July 05, 2009

What men want

Us women are always trying to figure out what men want from us.
How we can please them,
how can we make them want us.
I’ve done it myself, and so has every woman in this room.
Should I wear the heels or the flats?
Oh definitely the heels, they make my butt tighter AND my legs longer.
Does he like my hair long or short? Brown or blonde? Curly or straight?
Should I talk about politics, or would I come off as too strong-willed and opinionated?
Do I order dessert?
Oh absolutely not,
he’ll think I’m a future whale just waiting to snatch a man so
I can eat chocolate cake to my heart’s content.
Should I tell him that I actually DO need affection and that I really DO like chick flicks (because the characters are just so real and I can empathize with their struggles)?
Do I tell him I’m a feminist?
Oh hell no, he’ll call me a flaming liberal,
tell me to burn my bra and hand me a razor to shave my lady parts.

The thing us women need to realize is that men don’t care if you’re blond or brunette,
if you wear pink or green or polka dots or horizontal stripes,
and those highlights you just paid $90 bucks for? Yeah, those will go completely unnoticed,
because what a real man really wants is a woman with some god-damn self-confidence.
That’s right, a woman who works what she’s got,
makes no excuses for who she is, or how small her waist is (or isn’t),
and can eat a bowl of moose tracks ice cream without even glancing at the nutrition facts
(okay, maybe that’s just what I want).

Most men don’t even realize they want this type of woman.
They fool themselves into thinking they want an insecure,
I-depend-on-your-compliments-for-eating-disorder-prevention type of girl,
when all they really want is a woman who has her shit together and isn’t afraid to look real, act real, and be reeealy, really good in bed.
Yeah, I said it, you can quote me, and don’t “psha” me,
because I know this is how it is,
and even if it isn’t,
it would be wonderful if instead of a bunch of
male-pleasing, self-doubting females running around,
we had a whole hoard of beautiful, confident, self-assured women who don’t give a fuck,
(but enjoy fucking), and loved everything about themselves despite what men or
anyone else has to say about it.

1 comment:

Romantic Discontent said...

A refreshing piece of feminism here, Anna. While I would be hard-pressed to voice the desire of the typical male, as I've been told that I do not belong to that class, I can without hesitation proclaim that the portrait of a woman you have constructed here is, indeed, exactly what many of us males desire. . . at least those of us who have laid to rest any notion of machismo (that all-too-obvious expression of insecurity), with its need to assert superiority and control