September 12, 2009

I'll be

If you’ll let me,
I will be yours.

I’ll be your yes
and your no,
your fast and your slow,
the beat in your breast,
the tattoo on your chest.

I’ll be the the pink
on your cheek,
and the dream in your sleep,
I’ll fill all of your spaces
with lovely temptations,
and color your eyes
with star-purple skies.

And the warmth of your coffee?
That will be me.
And the flowers in spring?
Those too I’ll bring,
and the wet on your neck,
and the sun in your step,
I’ll be those too,
I’ll be them all
for you.


Romantic Discontent said...

Nice use of rhyme here, Anna. A change of pace for you, and a wonderfully constructed poem

dick said...
