December 08, 2008

Observation on Life

I don't long to know everything,
or anything for that matter,
knowledge will come in time, I think, gradually,
like most good things do

I am content to live now, in the present moment,
without hope for some future attainment,
some grand, but fleeting event,
I want to experience THIS life
for what it is,
not for what it could be,
for what I make it, not what others hope for,
because hope is a hopeless matter,
disallowing enjoyment of the here and now,
how impossibly futile hoping is!

It makes perfect sense to me,
not to say I have a firm grasp on anything,
certainly not,
but I think I'm headed in the right direction

If I can live every day, and I mean LIVE
as if it may be my last, then I will be living,
but I must not fear my last day because
that would contradict my goal,
I must only look to today for joy, for happiness,
for love

And love is what I will embody,
what people will see when they speak to me,
what I will make my goal everyday,
to love as much as possible,
because that is all I can really do,
all I will allow myself to do

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